Fall is my a b s o l u t e favorite season. The crisp air, the pumpkin everything, the colorful skylines, the bonfires & boots & scarves & F A S H I O N. I think my Fall wardrobe is my favorite of all—and yes, I have a separate wardrobe for every season, would you really expect anything less?!
Summer's 70's fashion flare {pun intended} of fringe & crochet & platforms is carrying into Fall with wide legs & floppy hats & funky patterns. I for one am so very excited that this 70s love affair continues...

When you have access to corn fields as far as the eye can see, rustic accents like a rundown barn & a photog for a bestie - well, you narrow your favorite 70s trends and get groovy for the camera...baby.
All incredible photos by the uber talented & passionate Erin Michelle Photography. My blog shoots will never be the same! {Thanks, gf <3}
{70's Dolled Up: A Flouncy Wrap Dress}

{I felt like such a doofus twirling my dress & acting like a super model - but I adore this picture. Note to self: always, always trust your photog & just go. for. it.}

Dress: Kiki La'Rue Boutique {A favorite online shop that I frequent...like, once a month #noshame} // Floppy Hat: Forever21 {Gifted}, similar & similar with flair // Platform Wedges: Wet Seal {super oldies}, similar & Steve Madden's {the shoe god} // Gold cuff: Francesca's {no longer available}, similar & intricately similar // Necklace: DC Eastern Market {not available online}, similar & tassled // Earrings: Target and similar yet textured
{70's Dolled Down: Jean on Jean}

Jeans {bottom}: H&M {not as old as the actual 70s, but pretty dang old}, similar {and yes, please! I've always wanted a pair of fab jeans from Madewell} & HOT {also, similar} // Denim shirt: Target {few seasons old} but similar & similar // Shoes: Nordstrom Rack {sale last season}, similar Jessica Simpson & similar {with fringe!} // Purse: Gifted, but similar & adorable bucket style // Bracelet: World Market {oldie}, similar // Necklace: Lucky Brand {no longer available} but super similar // Ring: Oldie {so, basically, who knows!}, similar
Happy 70's Fall, ya'll!
Psst...More fashion inspo: